“Embracing a patient-centered culture founded on caring, value, and service excellence to build relationships for life.”
You might have noticed the above vision in our bulletin board in the reception area. Maybe you didn't. In any event, it is there for a reason--to inform and remind you, our patients, of why we are here and what we strive to accomplish. But it is also posted in other areas to serve as the same reminder to each of us. This vision serves as our roadmap because in the words of Yogi Berra "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." And while we can all admit that sometimes life takes us down some side roads, I am blessed to have known that this is where I want to go.
There is also noted below our vision a request of you to hold us accountable. We want to know if we fall short of it and if we fail to do anything short of exceeding your expectations. So please know that our lines of communication are all open--email, telephone, regular mail, even texting now. But most importantly we want the opportunity to talk in person. After all, we were put here to live together, help each other, and nuture relationships that make each of our lives that much richer. Thank you to those of you who have journeyed with us over these last 25 years. I continue to be humbled by your referral of family and friends whom I hope are also seeking richer lives. Let's see what we can do in the next 25 years!